Clean & Safe 

We follow the advice of our governing body (the GOsC) and carry out regular risk assessments to inform our infection control policy: If you have any concerns about receiving treatment, please contact us and we will do our best to help and advise you. Thank you for your co-operation.

Pregnancy and Osteopathy

Pregnancy can be such an incredible and enjoyable experience, but it’s also common for expectant mothers to experience pain and discomfort during this time. The female body goes through enormous physical, chemical and emotional changes during pregnancy which all take their toll whilst also exacerbating pre-existing musculoskeletal niggles. During pregnancy the body carries up to…

Top Tips for Injury-Free Gardening

Gardening Tips to Help You Stay Injury-Free It’s that time of year when we at North Beds Osteopaths see lots of people who have hurt themselves gardening. After months of not exercising in the garden, the weather changes and people rush out hell-bent on getting everything straight in one day. Here are some tips for…